Sunday, April 14, 2019

No you will not get a sample of my stuff.

Look...W10 you will not get a sample of my stuff tyvm. 

If I want nefarious code to get blocked, I'll block it myself tyvm. The reg change will stop w10 from messing with your stuff, it stops the code grabbing too. pffttt

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Policy Manager]


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Node JS Update OSX

node update

sudo npm cache clean -f (force switch will delete all your npm stuff)
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Building OSX Images for fun and profit

I'm compiling all the build instruction into one repository. It's a bitch to go look for all this on the internets, so I'm just dropping it here for my own convenience.

Mojave OSX 

hdiutil create -o mojave.cdr -size 7316m -layout SPUD -fs HFS+J
hdiutil attach mojave.cdr.dmg -noverify -mountpoint /Volumes/install_build
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/install_build
mv mojave.cdr.dmg InstallSystem.dmg
hdiutil detach /Volumes/Install\ macOS\ Mojave/
hdiutil convert InstallSystem.dmg -format UDTO -o Mojave.iso 

High Sierra OSX 

hdiutil create -o highsierra.cdr - size 7316m -layout SPUD -fs HFS+J
hdiutil attach highsierra.cdr.dmg -noverify -mountpoint /Volumes/install_build
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ —volume /Volumes/install_build --nointeraction
mv highsierra.cdr.dmg highsierra.dmg
hdiutil detach /Volumes/Install\ macOS\ High\ Sierra/
hdiutil convert highsierra.dmg -format UDTO -o highsierra.iso 

Sierra OSX 

hdiutil attach /Applications/Install\ macOS\ -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint /Volumes/install_app
hdiutil create -o /tmp/Sierra.cdr -size 7316m -layout SPUD -fs HFS+J
hdiutil attach sierra.cdr.dmg -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint /Volumes/install_build
asr restore -source /Volumes/install_app/BaseSystem.dmg -target /Volumes/install_build -noprompt -noverify -erase
rm /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/System/Installation/Packages
cp -rp /Volumes/install_app/Packages /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/System/Installation/
cp -rp /Volumes/install_app/BaseSystem.chunklist /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/BaseSystem.chunklist
cp -rp /Volumes/install_app/BaseSystem.dmg /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/BaseSystem.dmg
hdiutil detach /Volumes/install_app
hdiutil detach /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/
hdiutil convert sierra.cdr.dmg -format UDTO -o sierra.iso
mv sierra.iso.cdr sierra.iso

El Capitan OSX 

hdiutil attach "/Applications/Install OS X El" -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint /Volumes/esd
hdiutil create -o elcapitan.cdr -size 7316m -layout SPUD -fs HFS+J
hdiutil attach elcapitan.cdr.dmg -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint /Volumes/iso
asr restore -source /Volumes/esd/BaseSystem.dmg -target /Volumes/iso -noprompt -noverify -erase
rm /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/System/Installation/Packages
cp -rp /Volumes/esd/Packages /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/System/Installation
cp -rp /Volumes/esd/BaseSystem.chunklist /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/
cp -rp /Volumes/esd/BaseSystem.dmg /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System/
hdiutil detach /Volumes/esd
hdiutil detach /Volumes/OS\ X\ Base\ System
hdiutil convert elcapitan.cdr.dmg -format UDTO -o elcapitan.iso
mv elcapitan.iso.cdr elcapitan.iso

Yosemite OSX 

Mavericks OSX  


Monday, January 7, 2019

Make your VM behave like bare metal on VMWare

DEP or MDM software requires some additional hardware config on VMWare. Below are the additional params needed to make a working OSX VM on VMWare Fusion. 

Save this to your .vmx file 

hw.model = "MacBookPro11,2" 
serialNumber = ""
uuid.bios = ""
uuid.location = "same as uuid.bios" 

helpful links: 

hw.model = " "

serialNumber = " "

uuid.bios = " "

Thursday, January 3, 2019

high-sierra installer

sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --volume /Volumes/peste/ --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\