Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hitchhiker's Guide to Hiding on the Internet for MacFolks

Recently updated my Vidalia App and I got in to some issues with polipo. I redo the entire installation and proceed as follows:

Vidalia 0.2.10

Download Vidalia directly from the website:

Install MacPorts
sudo port install tor
sudo port install polipo
sudo port load polipo

Polipo Configuration Guide:

polipo does not come with a working config you have to make your own or just copy and customize the sample configs found on /opt/local/etc/polipo/ here's how i did mine.

sudo touch /opt/local/etc/polipo/config

Open an editor program (vi/etc) and put the following config

socksParentProxy = "localhost:9050"
socksProxyType = socks5

Port 9050 is the tor deamon.

to verify your polipo config


Vidalia Settings

Stop Start the Vidalia Daemon (Gui)

and point your proxy to

IP: localhost
Port: 8123

enjoy secure surfing via tor.

to check your tor presence go to the following link.